
Thursday, 5 April 2012

Happy White Thursday

Hi, everyone~
Happy White thursday for catholic around the world.. 
White thursday is the 1st day of  Easter triduum ..
today is special day for me not only because of  the white thursday celebration but today is my First Holy Communion after I got sacrament of baptism last sunday.

I take some photos after I arrived home from church and I'll share it :)

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Rekoleksi at St. Clara monastery

On 17 till 18 March, I went to St.Clara Monastery with all candidates of baptism from my church. the commitees and the priest also come together with all of us.

We stayed there for 2 days 1 night . We have fun there and also have many experience. Our schedule are very tight at there. There're so many session like sharing, praying , have worship, watching spiritual videos, and so on.

I really like stayed at there although the rules are so strict and we're like staying in dormitory. there's no TV and other electronics.

Julie and Me

Sunday, 1 April 2012

Palm sunday

Happy Palm sunday , everyone :)
sorry for not update anything for a long time, it's because of my internet problem .

today I start my new day and my new life... do you know what?
Today, I get sacrament of baptism after studying for about a year !! I feel so excited today..
finally I can be a catholic for officially..
although I spent about 4 hours at church without having breakfast, I feel so excited and enthusiastic ..
I gonna share few of my photos after having sacrament of baptism but sorry my appearance looks so bad because I easy to get sweaty and I get sweaty a lot at that time..

Katarina Devi and me
Me and daddy